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Nebraska State Police Pack 2.0.0

   (1 review)

5 Screenshots

About This File

This pack is based off of Nebraska State Patrol vehicles. It is almost accurate, except the supervisor livery for the Crown Vic is not accurate at all. If you like this skin, please download it!

If you need help downloading this file, either join my discord, or the FLMODS main discord server!

This file is not to be distributed without my permission!!!


To contact me join my discord server: https://discord.gg/mzjStaE.

If you need help putting in the file, either contact me, ✞ ℙ𝕦𝕘 𝕃𝕠𝕣𝕕 ✞ #9978, or simply join the Flashing Lights Modding Server: https://discord.gg/DfjNZRC.


As I stated before, any distribution must go through me, and I would prefer if you could credit me in your YouTube video if you use, or in you community, etc.


This may be subject to edit and improvement! 


I am aware that there are a few problems with the Explorer. That is a work in progress!

This took me a long time to make, so please don't make my time be wasted! Download it!

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Love it! I think you did a great job on the realism and made it look super clean. 


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