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Pug Patrol | Puggo 1.0.0

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4 Screenshots

About This File

I know I know... I am stupid. But ya know what, why not! I decided to make this because why the heck not! Enjoy, if you download! 😂


If you need help downloading this file, either join my discord, or the FLMODS main discord server!


This file is not to be distributed without my permission!!!


To contact me join my modifications server: https://discord.gg/4sGdRfzrPj.

If you need help putting in the file, either contact me, Commie PugLord#9978, or simply join the Flashing Lights Modding Server: https://discord.com/invite/Q6ZscXB.

If you would like a custom skin made for you, or maybe your community, join my discord and contact me! I will see what I can do (first link)!

As I stated before, any distribution must go through me, and I would prefer if you could credit me in your YouTube video if you use, or in you community, etc.


Anyway, please enjoy this pack! This didn't take me too awful long but hey! 

- Puggo

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