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Reshade Preset: Darker Nights and Better Days 1.0.0

   (1 review)

5 Screenshots

About This File

This is a ReShade Preset I have made today, it basically makes things nights and days darker and a little more realistic and also makes some details pop out more

If you don't know how to install it there is a great tutorial by Davire, link: https://www.flmods.com/tutorials/reshade-guide/

In case you were wondering what this "ReShade" thing is you can find it on reshade.me and there is also a good description of it there.


You may need a decent computer to run this well on the old map, so if you barely meet the minimum requirements, I might not recommend this, since it does make the game lag a little

Any game crashes or system errors are not my fault, I have had no issues and have played with this for a while.

 If you do experience game crashes, try verifying your game files through Steam.

If you are having trouble with installation, do not hesitate to ask in the modding channels of the official FLMODS Discord server ( https://discord.gg/JbvdXj9 )OR the modding section of the official Flashing Lights Discord server (https:// discord.gg/flashinglights )

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   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

That looks really good. Might use it myself tbh 💯👌

Response from the author:

thanks hero!

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