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Integrality Light Bars 8 Pack 1.0.1

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2 Screenshots

About This File

The program that I am using to create the zip files is being a bit buggy, I tested the download and it seemed to work however if you download it and it brings you to 4 text docs than let me know in the comments and I will try to fix it.



This download includes 8 lightbar presets:














*Lightbar in videos


These patterns may seem simple but they are realistic but not necessarily inspired by anything.

The 20 steps are necessary to get the fast slow effect, not to mention the back of the lightbars have a relatively complex TA bar that comes in amber, white and blue, or RWB.


Please comment if anything is wrong with the lightbars.



Edited by plaehnplanes

What's New in Version 1.0.1


Added video of back of lightbar

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