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EMSA EMS Vehicles - Oklahoma's EMS Provider 1.0.1

   (3 reviews)

46 Screenshots

About This File

All EMSA EMS vehicles are included.


Since Oklahoma contracts their EMS, this pack can be used with any Oklahoma city.


This pack includes:

The tanker ambulance has the current livery.

The Ford ambulance has 5 options:

  1. EMSA (previous livery *default*)
  2. Oklahoma City National Memorial
  3. Tulsa
  4. Pink for Cancer Awareness
  5. Support Our Troops

Tahoe has the current livery.

Explorer has the current livery.

Crown Vic has the previous livery.


Additional download required to make the ambulances look accurate (as in screenshots):


*Because of light customizations, appearances may slightly vary.*


If you need help with installation, please refer to FLMOD's Discord channel for guides. 

I spend hours creating each texture for free, so please leave a "like" and a review. It helps me out tremendously.

DO NOT trace over any of these textures. Penalty points will be given, no exceptions. You have been warned.

Do not rip, modify, reupload, or claim credit for any of the files included. (I do include tiny markings on all my textures, so don't try.) Only link this page.

Disclaimer: I am not responsible for any damages to you, or your property, while you are installing these textures.


Download the Oklahoma license plate here:


What's New in Version 1.0.1


Added EMSA Tahoe.

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