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Vehicle file names & Location

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48 minutes ago, Atrocity said:

I did everything the same as the YouTube videos and all the guides I can find but I always get stuck on the loading languages screen.

Hmm, that's kind of odd, maybe redownload your asset bundle and try again. When I upload my skins I just scroll to the very last option and select my resource.assets file in the flashing lights data folder.

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On 3/8/2020 at 7:00 PM, Herogus3xD said:

2021 Tahoe
Location : resource.assets

CTA_exterior_AlbedoTransparency_PD1 - Police Marked
CTA_exterior_AlbedoTransparency - Black unmarked

CTA_exterior_AlbedoTransparency_PD4 - sheriff marked

Excuse me, I really tried my best, but when I opened the unit assets bundle extractor and looked for these Tahoe's files, I couldn't find them at all. My game is also an updated version of steam, but I just can't find them. What should I do. 

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On 5/30/2022 at 12:29 PM, Tawolfki said:

Everytime I try to type in the engine file names to extract or even to throw an edited version over, it states under the "resources" assests file that it doesn't exist

Changed and fixed, should be findable now

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2 hours ago, WooTech said:

Does anyone  know why on almost all cars (except Van and Taurus) when I press the plugins button, just empty?


You have selected a material file type, not a texture, continue the search by selecting "view" and "continue search"

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15 hours ago, Chrisfire112 said:

Wenn Ich versuche einen Skin bei der Stanardambulance (Koffersystem) einzufügen Bkomme Ich Folgende Meldung : Unable to Convert the texture data!

Woran kann das liegen? Danke


Change your texture format to the one without "Crunched" 





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On 1/21/2024 at 5:25 AM, Avon46123 said:

could we get an updated location and name for the thunder dlc, cant figure out where it is


thank you in advance


UABE is no longer supported by Flashing Lights so these are no longer used, all modding goes through mod.io now

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