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Original Texture Names - (UI, Signs, And More!)


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Note, this does not contain all textures within the game, it is organized by texture category, and textures which can be found through other forums will not be included in this. If you are new to modding, please visit the Flashing Lights Discord and the #mod-help section for tutorials and other files locations!


also, this is not finished. i'll continue updating it as i have time and see fit

Anyway, to start, let's introduce some information to help you navigate this topic.


Red = Fire Department specific

Blue = Police Department specific

Yellow = EMS Department specific

Green = Generic - no department 

Purple = Unsure


    Icons - I believe all can be found in sharedassets2.assets, however, please correct me if I am wrong


  • LobbyProps_D - sharedassets189.assets
  • Knob - globalgamemanangers.assets; possibly cursor, have not tested but wanted to log this so i don't forget
  • UI_AI_Talk - interaction menu icon for AI peds
  • UI_Fuel
  • UI_Flare
  • UI_Door_Car
  • UI_Cone
  • UI_Seat
  • UI_Heal
  • UI_Trunk
  • UI_Role
  • UI_Speaker2
  • UI_Speaker3
  • UI_Target2_256
  • UI_Veh
  • UI_VehMenu
  • UI_Tag_2d
  • UI-Tag_3d
  • UI_RMB-Rot
  • UI_Host_256x256
  • UI_Lock
  • UI_Dash_Back_1120x160
  • UI_Dash_Icons_1120x64
  • UI_Dash_Back_Sirens
  • UI_Dash_Back_Sirens_icons
  • UI_Dash_ExtraLight
  • UI_Dash_MDT
  • UI_Dash_TS
  • UI_WepWheel_Part1
  • UI_WepWheel_Part
  • UI_CheckMark
  • UIElement8px
  • UI_FoldoutClosed
  • UI_FoldoutOpened
  • UI_Wep_None-1
  • UI_Wep_None-1
  • UI_Axe - 
  • UI_Cat - cat icon when hovering over a cat in a tree
  • UI_Chainsaw - 
  • UI_Fan 
  • UI_Ladder
  • UI_Haligan
  • UI_Hose
  • UI_Grab
  • UI_Tree -
  • UI_Ladder_Climb- 
  • UI_Ladder_Rot1 -
  • UI_Ladder_Rot2 -
  • UI_Ladder_Rot3 -
  • UI_Ladder_LadderCtrl - 
  • UI_LadderLegs - 
  • UI_Hose-Icon
  • UI_PoleSlide -
  • UI_QSiren_256
  • UI_SCBA_256
  • UI_DeckGun_256_3d
  • UI_GunBox - 
  • UI_Inspect - 
  • UI_Search
  • UI_Spikes
  • UI_Stop
  • UI_Stop2
  • UI_M-Cuffs
  • UI_Vest
  • UI_Door_House
  • UI_DoorRam
  • UI_DrugTest
  • UI_Edit
  • UI_PC_Speed-icon
  • UI_PC_Scan-icon
  • UI_Pc_SearchData-icon
  • UI_TagTow_256_3d
  • UI_Grab
  • UI_Medkit
  • UI_Stretcher
  • UI_Stretcher_256
  • UI_Defib_Shock


    Unused/Unknown - likely same location


  • UI_Warning
  • UI_Target256
  • UI_Stripes
  • UI_Vignette
  • UI_Tri_512x316
  • UI_Tyre_256
  • UI_Stretcher_3d
  • UI_Stretcher_256
  • UI_Stretcher_256_3d
  • UI_Spikes_256
  • UI_Rect_512
  • UI_Rect128
  • UI_PC_Filter
  • UI_Party-Hat
  • UI_No_256
  • UI_Map_Tag
  • UI_MedKit_256
  • UI_LocationSign
  • UI_Info
  • UI_Mask
  • UI_Jaws_256
  • UI_Hose_256_3d
  • UI_Blank2
  • UI_Blank16px_Sliced1px
  • UI_Blank16px_Sliced6px
  • UI_Border1
  • UI_Button1
  • UI_Button2
  • UI_Button4
  • UI_Button5
  • UI_Button6
  • UI_Circle2_512px
  • UI_Circle4_512px
  • UI_Circle_512px
  • UI_Circle_Fade_1024px
  • UI_EmptyPx
  • UI_Fan_256
  • UI_Fire
  • UI_FireExtinguisher_256
  • UI_Flare_256
  • UI_Glow_512x128
  • UI_Gradient01
  • UI_Gradient02
  • UI_Gradient03
  • UI_Gradient04
  • UI_Gradient05
  • UI_Gradient06
  • UI_Gradient07
  • UI_Gradient08
  • UI_Gradient09
  • UI_DeckGim_256_3d
  • unlocked


   Tools - I believe all can be found in sharedassets2.assets, however, please correct me if I am wrong


  • UI_Wep_Cone_01
  • UI_Wep_Flare01
  • UI_Wep_Hand_01-1
  • UI_Wep_Locked


   EMS/FD Shared

  • UI_Wep_MedBag


  • UI_Wep_Pis_01
  • UI_Wep_Pis_01-1
  • UI_Wep_Taser_01-1
  • UI_Wep_Taser_01
  • UI_Wep_Shg_01-1
  • UI_Wep_Shg_01
  • UI_Wep_Aut_02
  • UI_Wep_SpeedGun
  • UI_Wep_DoorRam
  • UI_Wep_Axe_01
  • UI_Wep_Bat_01
  • UI_Wep_Spikes_01
  • UI_Wep_Axe_01
  • UI_Wep_ChainSaw_01
  • UI_Wep_Spreaders
  • UI_Wep_Hose1
  • UI_Wep_Ladder_01
  • UI_Wep_Halligan
  • UI_Wep_FractureKit


from here on, im unsure of the file locations any of these are located in, if you do decide to try and change these, and find the location, please send me a DM on Discord @Frosty#7046, or you could leave a comment here! i would appreciate any help on these!




  • water - resources.assets




  • Sign-01
  • Sign-02
  • Sign-03
  • Sign-04
  • Sign-05
  • Sign-06
  • Sign-07
  • Sign-08
  • Sign-09
  • Sign-10
  • Sign-11
  • Sign-12
  • Sign-13
  • Sign-14
  • Sign-15
  • Sign-16
  • Sign-17
  • Sign-18
  • Sign-19
  • Sign-20
  • Speed-Sign
  • Sign-OneWay
  • Signs-US-01
  • SignsPack-USA_01
  • const_signs_01_albedo_f
  • crosswalk sign



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Spawn Backgrounds


  • EMS_Beach - background photo of Beach Clinic
  • EMS_City - background photo of City Hospital
  • EMS_Cod - background photo of Cod Clinic


  • FD_City - background photo of City FD
  • FD_Cod - background photo of Cod FD
  • FD_Beach - background photo of Beach FD


  • PD_City - background photo of City PD
  • PD_Cod -  background photo of Cod PD
  • PD_Beach - background photo of Beach PD


Vehicle Menu


to clarify: these are simply the images of the icons in the vehicle editor, not the physical models!




  • VehMenu_lights_3000L_h
  • VehMenu_lights_3000L_l
  • VehMenu_lights_Attach-1
  • VehMenu_lights_Attach-2
  • VehMenu_lights_Beacon-led1
  • VehMenu_lights_Beacon-led2
  • VehMenu_lights_Beacon-double
  • VehMenu_lights_Beacon-double2
  • VehMenu_lights_Big_halogen
  • VehMenu_lights_Grill-1
  • VehMenu_lights_Grill-2
  • VehMenu_lights_Highlighter
  • VehMenu_lights_Integrity
  • VehMenu_lights_Intelcom
  • VehMenu_lights_Lightbar1
  • VehMenu_lights_Lurker
  • VehMenu_lights_Michigan
  • VehMenu_lights_Michigan_double
  • VehMenu_lights_NrPlate1
  • VehMenu_lights_Rotary
  • VehMenu_lights_Slide1
  • VehMenu_lights_Small1
  • VehMenu_lights_TA1
  • VehMenu_lights_Vector-h
  • VehMenu_lights_Vector
  • VehMenu_lights_Voltex
  • VehMenu_lights_Wall1
  • VehMenu_lights_Whelen


Vehicle Images


  • VehMenu_vehs_Cta_EMS
  • VehMenu_vehs_Fex_EMS
  • VehMenu_vehs_Fta_EMS
  • VehMenu_vehs_Vic_EMS
  • VehMenu_vehs_Truck_EMS2
  • VehMenu_vehs_Truck_EMS3


  • VehMenu_Livery_EMS1
  • VehMenu_Livery_EMS2
  • VehMenu_Livery_EMS3
  • VehMenu_Livery_EMS4   



  • VehMenu_vehs_Cta
  • VehMenu_vehs_Ch
  • VehMenu_vehs_Fex
  • VehMenu_vehs_Fta
  • VehMenu_vehs_Tow
  • VehMenu_vehs_Van
  • VehMenu_vehs_Vic
  • VehMenu_Livery_PD1
  • VehMenu_Livery_PD2
  • VehMenu_Livery_PD3
  • VehMenu_Livery_PD4



  • VehMenu_vehs_Cta_FD
  • VehMenu_vehs_Fex_FD
  • VehMenu_vehs_Fta_FD
  • VehMenu_vehs_Vic_FD
  • VehMenu_vehs_Truck_FD2-3
  • VehMenu_vehs_Truck_FD2-4
  • VehMenu_vehs_Truck_FD2
  • VehMenu_vehs_Truck_FD3


  • VehMenu_Livery_FD1



Edited by Frosty.
-added new screenshots + terrain category
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  • ★ Frosty. ★ changed the title to Original Texture Names - (UI, Signs, And More!)

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