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File Comments posted by plaehnplanes

  1. On 8/16/2022 at 8:54 PM, PeeWee said:

    says import failed model numbers dont match? any idea how to fix it or did i install it wrong?



    Sorry about the wait, I believe if you go into the edit lights menu on the vehicle you want the lights on, make sure you have the Integrality light bar selected for the light bar, click on the import lighting pattern button in the top right, and import Integrality-Light-Bar-DOJ-Pattern.txt, it should work. Do the same thing for the grill lights, make sure you select "grill 2x" and import the file Grill-2x-DOJ-Pattern.txt. Finally, do the same thing with the siderunners, and import the file Siderunner-DOJ-Pattern.txt. I attached a file with some screenshots that might help below. If this still doesn't work then DM me and I'll see what I can do.



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