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Everything posted by Frosty.

  1. hey, it's me again, this time i present to you, the vehicle editor image file names. my last topic included these in it but i thought i would create a one just for these are they are somewhat commonly asked about. if someone does ask about these locations, feel free to reference this to them! If you are new to modding, please visit the Flashing Lights Discord and the #mod-help section for tutorials and other files locations! Vehicle Images I have yet to check as to where these are located, if you do perhaps to know, please leave a comment or send me a DM on Discord @Frosty#7046 EMS VehMenu_vehs_Cta_EMS VehMenu_vehs_Fex_EMS VehMenu_vehs_Fta_EMS VehMenu_vehs_Vic_EMS VehMenu_vehs_Truck_EMS2 VehMenu_vehs_Truck_EMS3 POLICE VehMenu_vehs_Cta VehMenu_vehs_Ch VehMenu_vehs_Fex VehMenu_vehs_Fta VehMenu_vehs_Tow VehMenu_vehs_Van VehMenu_vehs_Vic FIRE VehMenu_vehs_Cta_FD VehMenu_vehs_Fex_FD VehMenu_vehs_Fta_FD VehMenu_vehs_Vic_FD VehMenu_vehs_Truck_FD2-3 VehMenu_vehs_Truck_FD2-4 VehMenu_vehs_Truck_FD2 VehMenu_vehs_Truck_FD3 Vehicle Livery Images EMS VehMenu_Livery_EMS1 VehMenu_Livery_EMS2 VehMenu_Livery_EMS3 VehMenu_Livery_EMS4 POLICE VehMenu_Livery_PD1 VehMenu_Livery_PD2 VehMenu_Livery_PD3 VehMenu_Livery_PD4 FIRE VehMenu_Livery_FD1
  2. Version 1.0.0


    this mod's drag and drop edition has not been updated to the latest updates (anything past sept. 14th, 2022). please use manual install or it could cause issues (which are 99% of the time resolvable) launching your game anyway, to the mod. this mod removes the white circle cursor on your screen, and the crosshair which replaces it when you hold right click on any team. if you wish to only have one removed, you may use the images to replace the files using unity asset bundle extractor. File Names (Manual Install) - Cursor File Name: Knob - found in globalgamemanagers.assets Crosshair File Name: UI_Target2_256 - found in globalgamemanagers.assets Manual Installation - manual installation is the same as any other texture file, find the texture variant of each file, plugins, edit, etc. however, the Knob texture format is not the typical DTX1, DTX5. leave this as it is set, do not change it. target installation is normal, just make sure to change the texture format to DXT5 rather than DTX5Crunched. Drag and Drop Installation - this method will not work at the time of typing this (10/24/22), please use the manual method in the meantime! if this file is up-to-date, then you should be good, and all you have to do is download the file, open another file explorer windows, navigate to your flashinglights_data folder, and drag the globalgamemanagers.assets and sharedassets2.assets into your flashinglights_data folder. then, press the replace all when the warning appears, and you should be all good to go! General Information- if at any time you do find yourself stuck or have any issues with installation, please head over to the Flashing Lights Discord Server and to the #mod-help section! also, if you do come across issues with the mod itself (ex. cursor looks odd, missing files, etc) please leave a comment on this post or send a DM @Frosty#7046
  3. Note, this does not contain all textures within the game, it is organized by texture category, and textures which can be found through other forums will not be included in this. If you are new to modding, please visit the Flashing Lights Discord and the #mod-help section for tutorials and other files locations! also, this is not finished. i'll continue updating it as i have time and see fit Anyway, to start, let's introduce some information to help you navigate this topic. Colors Red = Fire Department specific Blue = Police Department specific Yellow = EMS Department specific Green = Generic - no department Purple = Unsure UI Icons - I believe all can be found in sharedassets2.assets, however, please correct me if I am wrong LobbyProps_D - sharedassets189.assets Knob - globalgamemanangers.assets; possibly cursor, have not tested but wanted to log this so i don't forget UI_AI_Talk - interaction menu icon for AI peds UI_Fuel UI_Flare UI_Door_Car UI_Cone UI_Seat UI_Heal UI_Trunk UI_Role UI_Speaker2 UI_Speaker3 UI_Target2_256 UI_Veh UI_VehMenu UI_Tag_2d UI-Tag_3d UI_RMB-Rot UI_Host_256x256 UI_Lock UI_Dash_Back_1120x160 UI_Dash_Icons_1120x64 UI_Dash_Back_Sirens UI_Dash_Back_Sirens_icons UI_Dash_ExtraLight UI_Dash_MDT UI_Dash_TS UI_WepWheel_Part1 UI_WepWheel_Part UI_CheckMark UIElement8px UI_FoldoutClosed UI_FoldoutOpened UI_Wep_None-1 UI_Wep_None-1 UI_Axe - UI_Cat - cat icon when hovering over a cat in a tree UI_Chainsaw - UI_Fan UI_Ladder UI_Haligan UI_Hose UI_Grab UI_Tree - UI_Ladder_Climb- UI_Ladder_Rot1 - UI_Ladder_Rot2 - UI_Ladder_Rot3 - UI_Ladder_LadderCtrl - UI_LadderLegs - UI_Hose-Icon UI_PoleSlide - UI_QSiren_256 UI_SCBA_256 UI_DeckGun_256_3d UI_GunBox - UI_Inspect - UI_Search UI_Spikes UI_Stop UI_Stop2 UI_M-Cuffs UI_Vest UI_Door_House UI_DoorRam UI_DrugTest UI_Edit UI_PC_Speed-icon UI_PC_Scan-icon UI_Pc_SearchData-icon UI_TagTow_256_3d UI_Grab UI_Medkit UI_Stretcher UI_Stretcher_256 UI_Defib_Shock Unused/Unknown - likely same location UI_Warning UI_Target256 UI_Stripes UI_Vignette UI_Tri_512x316 UI_Tyre_256 UI_Stretcher_3d UI_Stretcher_256 UI_Stretcher_256_3d UI_Spikes_256 UI_Rect_512 UI_Rect128 UI_PC_Filter UI_Party-Hat UI_No_256 UI_Map_Tag UI_MedKit_256 UI_LocationSign UI_Info UI_Mask UI_Jaws_256 UI_Hose_256_3d UI_Blank2 UI_Blank16px_Sliced1px UI_Blank16px_Sliced6px UI_Border1 UI_Button1 UI_Button2 UI_Button4 UI_Button5 UI_Button6 UI_Circle2_512px UI_Circle4_512px UI_Circle_512px UI_Circle_Fade_1024px UI_EmptyPx UI_Fan_256 UI_Fire UI_FireExtinguisher_256 UI_Flare_256 UI_Glow_512x128 UI_Gradient01 UI_Gradient02 UI_Gradient03 UI_Gradient04 UI_Gradient05 UI_Gradient06 UI_Gradient07 UI_Gradient08 UI_Gradient09 UI_DeckGim_256_3d unlocked Tools - I believe all can be found in sharedassets2.assets, however, please correct me if I am wrong UI_Wep_Cone_01 UI_Wep_Flare01 UI_Wep_Hand_01-1 UI_Wep_Locked EMS/FD Shared UI_Wep_MedBag UI_Wep_Pis_01 UI_Wep_Pis_01-1 UI_Wep_Taser_01-1 UI_Wep_Taser_01 UI_Wep_Shg_01-1 UI_Wep_Shg_01 UI_Wep_Aut_02 UI_Wep_SpeedGun UI_Wep_DoorRam UI_Wep_Axe_01 UI_Wep_Bat_01 UI_Wep_Spikes_01 UI_Wep_Axe_01 UI_Wep_ChainSaw_01 UI_Wep_Spreaders UI_Wep_Hose1 UI_Wep_Ladder_01 UI_Wep_Halligan UI_Wep_FractureKit from here on, im unsure of the file locations any of these are located in, if you do decide to try and change these, and find the location, please send me a DM on Discord @Frosty#7046, or you could leave a comment here! i would appreciate any help on these! Terrain water - resources.assets Signs Sign-01 Sign-02 Sign-03 Sign-04 Sign-05 Sign-06 Sign-07 Sign-08 Sign-09 Sign-10 Sign-11 Sign-12 Sign-13 Sign-14 Sign-15 Sign-16 Sign-17 Sign-18 Sign-19 Sign-20 Speed-Sign Sign-OneWay Signs-US-01 SignsPack-USA_01 const_signs_01_albedo_f crosswalk sign Screenshots Screenshot (692) Loading Images Screenshot (3656) Screenshot (3657) Screenshot (3666) Screenshot (3668) Screenshot (3674) Screenshot (3658) Screenshot (3659) Screenshot (3660) Screenshot (3661) Screenshot (3662) Screenshot (3663) Screenshot (3664) Screenshot (3665) Screenshot (3666) Screenshot (4212) Screenshot (4192) Screenshot (4202) Screenshot (4187) Screenshot (4208) Screenshot (4215) Screenshot (4185) Screenshot (4198) Screenshot (4181) Screenshot (4191) Screenshot (4179) Screenshot (4182) Screenshot (4193) Screenshot (4197) Screenshot (4201) Spawn Backgrounds EMS_Beach - background photo of Beach Clinic EMS_City - background photo of City Hospital EMS_Cod - background photo of Cod Clinic FD_City - background photo of City FD FD_Cod - background photo of Cod FD FD_Beach - background photo of Beach FD PD_City - background photo of City PD PD_Cod - background photo of Cod PD PD_Beach - background photo of Beach PD Vehicle Menu to clarify: these are simply the images of the icons in the vehicle editor, not the physical models! Lights VehMenu_lights_3000L_h VehMenu_lights_3000L_l VehMenu_lights_Attach-1 VehMenu_lights_Attach-2 VehMenu_lights_Beacon-led1 VehMenu_lights_Beacon-led2 VehMenu_lights_Beacon-double VehMenu_lights_Beacon-double2 VehMenu_lights_Big_halogen VehMenu_lights_Grill-1 VehMenu_lights_Grill-2 VehMenu_lights_Highlighter VehMenu_lights_Integrity VehMenu_lights_Intelcom VehMenu_lights_Lightbar1 VehMenu_lights_Lurker VehMenu_lights_Michigan VehMenu_lights_Michigan_double VehMenu_lights_NrPlate1 VehMenu_lights_Rotary VehMenu_lights_Slide1 VehMenu_lights_Small1 VehMenu_lights_TA1 VehMenu_lights_Vector-h VehMenu_lights_Vector VehMenu_lights_Voltex VehMenu_lights_Wall1 VehMenu_lights_Whelen Vehicle Images VehMenu_vehs_Cta_EMS VehMenu_vehs_Fex_EMS VehMenu_vehs_Fta_EMS VehMenu_vehs_Vic_EMS VehMenu_vehs_Truck_EMS2 VehMenu_vehs_Truck_EMS3 VehMenu_Livery_EMS1 VehMenu_Livery_EMS2 VehMenu_Livery_EMS3 VehMenu_Livery_EMS4 VehMenu_vehs_Cta VehMenu_vehs_Ch VehMenu_vehs_Fex VehMenu_vehs_Fta VehMenu_vehs_Tow VehMenu_vehs_Van VehMenu_vehs_Vic VehMenu_Livery_PD1 VehMenu_Livery_PD2 VehMenu_Livery_PD3 VehMenu_Livery_PD4 VehMenu_vehs_Cta_FD VehMenu_vehs_Fex_FD VehMenu_vehs_Fta_FD VehMenu_vehs_Vic_FD VehMenu_vehs_Truck_FD2-3 VehMenu_vehs_Truck_FD2-4 VehMenu_vehs_Truck_FD2 VehMenu_vehs_Truck_FD3 VehMenu_Livery_FD1
  4. Version v1.04 PAGE FIX


    with version 1.0.2 of this mod, you may finally enjoy both day and night in all their glory through reshade, for day use "basic day.ini" and for night, use either of the presets containing "night" in the file name future updates to this mod, unless it is an important fix, will NOT update previous files to keep an archive for those who want to go back and test previous presets. however, eventually they will all be compiled into one .zip file to clean up the downloading page this reshade preset pack is not finished and i will continue to update it as new features and lighting options come out hey there! thanks for checking out my mod, this is a lighting enhancement mod which utalizes the tool, reshade, to create new graphical settings and make flashing lights look a tad bit better. currently, this is still a work in progress and i will continue to update it as reshade is updated and i get spare time. if you don't know what reshade is, i'd recommend you take a look at this tutorial and the reshade home page and it should help you out! of course if you run into issues dont hesitate to ask in the fl discord (discord.gg/flashinglights) and more than likely someone will be there to help you out. hope you enjoy the presets and have fun!
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