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Everything posted by Reddington

  1. Holy mother of blue. XD @Salt Something I noticed right off the bat, Markton City Police on the Charger is very low compared to the CVPI. Is that intentional?
  2. Version 1.0.1


    I wanted to try and fully utilize all the steps, and this was the result. If I remember right, I wasn't able to use all 32, I think it stops at like 29 or 30, but I'm still happy with it.
  3. If you are unable to register, not receiving activation emails, can't log in or any other account based problems, please send an email to us via support@flmods.com Please note the following: Do not use Discord as a means of contacting us to resolve the issue. This is for your safety. When emailing, please use the email you're trying to register with or have already registered with. This helps with verifying ownership. Please be patient with replies. We try to respond in a timely manner, however, other stuff may come up. If you need help validating your account, please use the format listed below. If you're unable to register, we will create an account for you. Please use the format below. Important note: Upon makinge an account for you, we may create a temporary password for the account, as opposed to having you use an activation email. In our response to you, we will provide a temporary password. It is urgent that you change your password as soon as you read our email. Not receiving activation emails/unable to validate account template: Hello, I would like to manually approve my account on FLMODS. Username: E-mail: Kind regards, Unable to register template: Hello, I am unable to register an account on FLMODS. Here's the registration into I'd like you to use: Desired Username: E-mail: Kind regards,
  4. Forgive me, as I'm slightly confused. Are these issues with your skin, or the vehicle itself? If the problem is with the vehicle itself, I recommend verifying and see if the issue persists after doing that. If this is the case and you don't know how to do it, check the spoiler below.
  5. Version 1.0.0


    Back and forth patterns have always been my preference and figured others might feel the same. Note: You may not redistribute this config. If you have a friend who likes my set up but wants something slightly changed, leave a comment and let me know. I'll happily upload the changes for you or your friend. How to install: When on the vehicle selection screen, click the vehicle you want-->edit lights. Click the diamond above the roof of the car you want the lightbar on. Click one of the preset options. Click the "edit selected" button in the top right of the light bar you've chosen. At the top right you'll see the option "import lighting pattern". Press that, then select my config file. Done!
  6. Version 1.0.0


    Little something for the pumper that I liked. Decided to use two red rotators for the rear and have amber LEDs instead of the amber rotators. I have listed this as complete, however, I love toying around with light configs, so there's a chance this might be updated of I find something that really improves the set up. Note: You may not redistribute this config. If you have a friend who likes my set up but wants something slightly changed, leave a comment and let me know. I'll happily upload the changes for you or your friend. Additionally, the file in the download is the pumper as a whole. Remember to "Import vehicle config" and not import light config.
  7. If you just want the tips, skip to "Tips for roleplaying". Roleplay has been around for a long time, dating back to when people were doing it when there was no name for the act. In fact, people have done roleplay without knowing it. What is roleplay? The official definition is "act out or perform the part of a person or character, for example as a technique in training or psychotherapy." That includes doing plays, training exercises where a student/cadet/etc has to play the role of a bad guy, and most commonly, as a child when you play with your action figures. I cannot tell you how many times as a child I would set up scenarios for my Power Rangers. I was so invested into it that I would break off the limbs of my Rangers to simulate battle damage. Too bad I didn't think it through and realize that was permanent. (I still have a Yellow ranger missing an arm. ) There is another aspect to roleplay that isn't touched upon in the definition: Putting yourself in the character's shoes and "being" them. It's difficult to put it into words, but when you're a dedicated roleplayer, you forgo your identity while roleplaying and get yourself into the mindset of that character. Prime example of this is FiveM. You create a character and you become them. You're invested, and while roleplaying you ARE them and act as them in every way imaginable. People already roleplay in FL, but with a civilian role coming at some point, I wanted to offer some advice . Tips for roleplaying: Unless your character is supposed to be an in-game version of you, try to get into the mindset of the character you're portraying. Are you going to spend your days in FL as a drug dealer? Then you need to act in the way a drug dealer would. Don't be friendly, don't be gushing in awe when you see a police car or be buddy buddy with them. When doing certain actions such as eating food, paying for gas etc, type in chat /me pays for gas, /me collects evidence. I'm sure in your mind you're already doing that, but putting it in chat adds to other people's immersion and encourages others to do it as well. Don't hijack someone's scenario. If there is already a situation, say hostage scenario - police are on scene and negotiations are in progress. Don't waltz on the scene and intrude or create a scene within a scene. As the game progresses and once civ does come out, I can tell you that this will happen accidentally from time to time. Remember this is roleplay and meant to be fun!! I watch a lot of Fivem streamers and something I've noticed is that the viewers tend to take roleplay scenarios way too seriously. If something bad happens to their streamer's character, or something goes wrong with the scenario they're doing, the viewers will lose their mind and take it to heart. There will be times where something happens and you disagree with how it went. I recommend talking to the other person about it and see if you can resolve it. Be respectful towards each other. This somewhat plays into the previous tip, but respect everyone you roleplay with. It's fine to disagree with them from time to time, but don't take things personally, and certainly don't try to get revenge purely out of spite. If it's in your character's nature to get revenge, by all means. Add to the roleplay, don't stand there like a statue. If you're not doing anything, give yourself roleplay and something to do. This can include a lot of things such as, as a police officer, going to the scene of a fire and providing traffic control. I've done this a lot. Hell, most cases, by the time I have my cones all set out the fire is extinguished, but I do it to help FD and to simulate what usually happens in real life. If you don't know how to RP, or you're shy, gradually ween yourself into it. Be prepared to improvise! There will be lots of times in RP where something will happen that wasn't planned, so you need to be ready to roll with it on the fly. When talking "Out Of Character", put OOC: before your message so everyone knows it's not your character talking. Currently, this one isn't as important as most people talk normally in chat. However, I imagine down the road this may change. No information is available regarding how the civilian aspect of FL will go, or what will happen to player characters that are shot and killed. I'm still going to list this, though. Ask for permission from the player before killing their character. This also falls under RP etiquette. We take a lot of time making our characters and getting them to the point they are in the RP world, hence why some people may not want their character to die. If you have other tips that I missed, feel free to add yours and I'll edit my list.
    It's so nice having real sirens in game!! I really like the sirens you chose as well. Very nice quality and they are nice and loud.
  8. For those that aren't aware, lcpdfr.com is the website for LSPDFR (a GTA 5 police mod) and GTA 5 based mods. One category of popular mods is sirens. Seeing as we have the ability to change sirens via modding, it only makes sense that people would go over to LSPDFR and use sirens uploaded on that site in FL. Something that we strongly encourage is respecting mod authors and their wishes. A lot of authors don't want their stuff ripped and reuploaded elsewhere, hence this topic. We hope to be able to reach out to siren authors on LSPDFR and request permission to reupload their sirens on FLMods (or, if we're lucky, they will create an account and upload themselves). If there is a siren from LSPDFR that you would like permission to reupload onto FLMods, please leave a comment with the link to the siren. I will then reach out to that author on LSPDFR and request permission on your behalf. Please do not reach out on your own!! In order for this to go smoothly, it is best that I be the one to make contact with them. I will react to your post to indicate I have seen it, but I will not reply until I have heard back from the author or have another question for you. Final note, I have already reached out to bakerxgooty, no need to request anything of is. ?
  9. The following is a list of all the frequently asked questions (FAQs) concerning Flashing Lights. If you have a question, please double check this first to see if it has been answered. There are a lot of entries, therefore we recommend using CTRL F to search either full questions ("Will there be more weapons?") or keyword terms ( "firetruck", "tow", etc) to try and find what you're looking for. Some of these were in the old FAQs written by Herogus3xD (which were provided by the FL team), but are still relevant. This topic will be updated as new updates and common questions are asked. Frequently Asked Questions Is there mod support? Officially mods are currently not supported. However members of the community have managed to modify some textures in game allowing people to change vehicle skins and uniforms. More information can be found in #mod-general. Are there any weapons in the game? Yes. We have a shotgun, pistol and a taser available in game. Will more vehicles be added in the future? Yes, we plan to add a variety of police, fire and ems vehicle throughout early access. Will X vehicle be added? We are not aware of what vehicles are coming ahead of time, thus we cannot say if x is coming or not. The best thing we recommend is that you make a suggestion in the server (via #suggestions-discussion). Will there be more callouts and missions? More callouts and missions will be added eventually. These will happen quite often. How do I use the car computer? By default press Left Shift to activate the computer or to switch cursor mode on/off. Are there plans for online dedicated servers? At the moment no, the in-game system would need huge changes in core design. Are there plans for locally/player hosted dedicated servers? This is something we may look into further down the line for development, however we do not have the tools required for this at the moment. Will the player count per server increase? Eventually may be increased when game is better optimized for more players in one server. How do i get the Taser? The taser is now automatically equipped on your officer. Just press 3 to draw, right click to aim and left click to fire. Use R to reload the taser. My game is broken, do you have any tips on fixing it? One of our CSOs (Community Support Officers) has created a short guide on how best to fix flashing lights when there is an issue. You can watch this guide at VIDEO Will there be a console version? Target platforms for now are PC/Mac. After the full Steam release will consider console porting. Will the game run on 32 bit? No currently the game only runs on 64 bit. Will there be 1st person view? First person view on foot not planned. This feature is only available in vehicle. How do I use the spotlight? Press P to toggle the light on and off and move it by holding right mouse button. Will there be staged lighting / lighting stages? This is one of the most suggested features, however, at the current update cycle, this is not planned. Can I make my own light patterns? Yes! When on the vehicle selection screen, choose the vehicle you want then hit "edit lights". From there you can customize all your lights and patterns. How do I change the pattern for the roto-ray and the separate traffic advisor bar? At this time you can't. Can I share my patterns with friends or the community? Absolutely! There's two ways you can do this. 1) Exporting everything: On the vehicle selection screen after clicking the vehicle you want, there will be an "import" and "export" vehicle configuration option. This allows you to export the entire light package on the car. (and import allows your friends to then import that config) 2) Exporting individual lights: Click into "edit lights", and then go into the edit screen for the pattern you want to share, such as a lightbar. Once on that screen, you'll again see "import/export vehicle configuration". This will let you export and share that individual pattern. Important note: If you try and import a pattern on the main vehicle screen or vice versa, you'll get an error. Will the interiors of the departments ever be finished? Eventually fire and PD will have finished interiors. No ETA is available on that. What about the hospital? Currently there are not any plans to flesh out the hospital interior. Is it planned to let us play as civs? Yes. This is something that will come down the road. Will a SWAT truck/Bearcat ever be added? As stated previously, more vehicles are planned, however, we cannot provide a time on when. How do I use the tow truck? You can control the wheel list with the arrow keys, and J to attach/detach. Where do I drop off towed cars at? Go to the PD and drive around back, there is a designated drop off spot that is marked. Will there ever be individual sirens for each department? Yes, this is planned. Will there be an interactive tablet added to the firetruck and pumper for the officer? That is not currently planned. Are modded multiplayer servers coming when mod support is official? Unkown at this time.
  10. Version 2.2.0


    Ever wanted to trade in your red/blues for amber and go security? Now you can! The concept behind this pack was mainly security vehicles, however, they can be used for anything civilian related. I have included all PD vehicles! Why so few lights? I based the lights off a local security company, and they only run a light bar. Will more vehicles be added? Depends on the vehicle, but anyone can request one be added.
  11. @xVAULTxDWELLERx Did you ever get an answer for this? If not, I can try to get one for you.
  12. This is the only real thing we need. Give us an easy way to fully mod the game and a lot of the to-do's in Flashing Lights will be gone, because the community will make it instead.
  13. Version 1.0.0


    This unit could be used as either a stealth SWAT/ERT vehicle, police transport, sting operations, even for surveillance. I might release a second variation with Christmas tree lighting. Notes: This is not an individual light file. It is the whole police van. Remember to import it on the vehicle selection screen. You may not redistribute this config. If you have a friend who likes my set up but wants something slightly changed, leave a comment and let me know. I'll happily upload the changes for you or your friend.
  14. Version 1.0.0


    I wasn't happy with my initial tow truck, so I messed around with it more and was able to come up with this. I might add more lights in the future, we'll see how it looks. Notes: - Due to sync and lag in the game, the light bar pattern seems to change on its own to something that wasn't intended. This is something with the game, unfortunately. This is not an individual light file, It is the whole tow truck. Remember to import it on the vehicle selection screen. You may not redistribute this config. If you have a friend who likes my set up but wants something slightly changed, leave a comment and let me know. I'll happily upload the changes for you or your friend.
  15. Version 1.0.0


    Very basic light set up that is geared more towards detectives, supervisor and/or a stealth unit. Notes: This is not an individual light file. It is the full Crown Vic. Remember to import it on the vehicle selection screen. You may not redistribute this config. If you have a friend who likes my set up but wants something slightly changed, leave a comment and let me know. I'll happily upload the changes for you or your friend.
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