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Advertisement Banner 30 Days

(3 reviews)
6.00 EUR/30 days
To support FLMODS with its hosting costs, you may be able to purchase a advertisement spot. We already have google adsense, but it would be even cooler to have our own members creating advertisements that could possibly be FL related!

- IMPORTANT: Your uploaded banner must be exactly 728x90. If lower or higher then we will cancel your order. You can increase quality by making a banner from 1456x90, save it as a PNG then reduce it by 50%.
- A banner.
- A URL to link it to.

What do you get?
You will be able to upload your own advertisement banner. 
This will then be displayed for the next 30 days (longer if you pay the renewals.) once people click on it they will be send to the URL you have provided.

I wish to change my url is that possible?
Of course! Simply open up a support ticket and we will get that sorted.

I wish to refund my purchase, is that possible?
Per FLMODS TOS we will not refund any purchases.

  • Where users will be taken when they click on your advertisement

  • The image must be less than 728×90px. Larger images will be resized.

  • You can optionally upload smaller images which will be used for mobile devices and tablets
  • Choose Single File...
    Or drag and drop your file here Accepted file types: gif, jpeg, jpe, jpg, png, webp

    This image will be served to users visiting from small devices, such as mobile phones, if provided
  • Choose Single File...
    Or drag and drop your file here Accepted file types: gif, jpeg, jpe, jpg, png, webp

    This image will be served to users visiting from devices such as tablets which are larger than phones but smaller than most browsers, if provided

About Advertisement Banner 30 Days

To support FLMODS with its hosting costs, you may be able to purchase a advertisement spot. We already have google adsense, but it would be even cooler to have our own members creating advertisements that could possibly be FL related!

IMPORTANT: Your uploaded banner must be exactly 728x90. If lower or higher then we will cancel your order. You can increase quality by making a banner from 1456x90, save it as a PNG then reduce it by 50%.
- A banner.
- A URL to link it to.

What do you get?
You will be able to upload your own advertisement banner. 
This will then be displayed for the next 30 days (longer if you pay the renewals.) once people click on it they will be send to the URL you have provided.

I wish to change my url is that possible?
Of course! Simply open up a support ticket and we will get that sorted.

I wish to refund my purchase, is that possible?
Per FLMODS TOS we will not refund any purchases.




   2 of 2 members found this review helpful 2 / 2 members

5 Stars. Really great service if you are looking to get whatever your trying to get out there. Expected more members to join my discord but hey! Good outcomes and gained 50 members! Only 50/186 Clicks joined the discord and over 63k views of the ad! Either all, good serviced , would use again if I had money lol.

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   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

5 Stars, Awesome way to advertise your community but also help FLmods.com. Would highly recommend.

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   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

Very attractive price for relevant groups to see your advertisement.

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